Thursday, November 12, 2015

Home Study!

Wowie, wow, wow!

We finished our profile book and it shipped last week.  It was very surreal to have the actual book in hand that we created online for several months. We took the book up to our schools to share with our staffs and they have been so complimentary.  I can not thank our staffs enough for the support we receive.

Last Saturday, Matt and I got our fingerprints done for our background check.  Nothing to worry about there, lol.  Then Tuesday evening we receive an email from a social worker that our agency contacted her and wants to get our homes study completed ASAP.  I have read the ASAP part of the email so many times wondering if they are wanting it done as soon as possible because our sweet diehl could be out there or coming soon and they think we would be a perfect match. :-)  No matter the reason, we scheduled our home study for two days later!   We have been cleaning our house these last two evenings to make it perfect. Is it weird that I am more worried about how clean my house is rather than the questions?

I can not believe that the time has really come!  We are having our home study today at 11:30. Please pray for us!