Thursday, November 12, 2015

Home Study!

Wowie, wow, wow!

We finished our profile book and it shipped last week.  It was very surreal to have the actual book in hand that we created online for several months. We took the book up to our schools to share with our staffs and they have been so complimentary.  I can not thank our staffs enough for the support we receive.

Last Saturday, Matt and I got our fingerprints done for our background check.  Nothing to worry about there, lol.  Then Tuesday evening we receive an email from a social worker that our agency contacted her and wants to get our homes study completed ASAP.  I have read the ASAP part of the email so many times wondering if they are wanting it done as soon as possible because our sweet diehl could be out there or coming soon and they think we would be a perfect match. :-)  No matter the reason, we scheduled our home study for two days later!   We have been cleaning our house these last two evenings to make it perfect. Is it weird that I am more worried about how clean my house is rather than the questions?

I can not believe that the time has really come!  We are having our home study today at 11:30. Please pray for us!

Sunday, October 25, 2015


I feel like October has been a baby month!

  • Our beautiful nephew was born, October 6!  He is so stinkin' cute!
  • We mailed our application!
  • We threw a baby shower for my brother and sister in love because in the next month or so, our niece will be arriving!
  • Today... we finished and ordered our profile books!
Our agency let us know that they received our application and they are running our background checks.  Once they go through we will get our home study appointments set up.  It's beginning to feel real!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Finding Happiness

I apologize that we have been radio silent.  We took a little break from our adoption application this summer.

Speaking from the heart.... infertility sucks!  Feeling hurt, jealous, anger, and depressed are not who we are but those are the emotions that had begun to consume us.  I feel like I was trying so hard to appear OK that I did not deal with the loss.  We knew we needed to find our happiness again before continuing forward, so we chose to begin counseling.  In one of my appointments, my counselor asked if my goal was to be pregnant or to be a mom. That question really resonated with me because I realized I was so focused on not being able to conceive that I couldn't see the ultimate goal which is to be a mommy and care for a beautiful baby.  For anyone who is thinking about speaking to a counselor, I would highly recommend it.   I am not saying that we are 'fixed' but I feel we are headed on the right path again.

Our application is almost complete and we are hoping to turn it in very soon.  Lots of friends and family have been asking us to re-open the t-shirt fundraiser so we did today!  Thank you so much for your support and sharing our story.  We love seeing pictures of yall wearing our love shirts!

"You may not have my eyes, you may not have my smile, but you have all of my heart."

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

Last Mother's Day I mourned and grieved for our angel baby.  I tried very hard to put on a brave and happy face when all I wanted was to be preparing to have our baby.  This year I have chosen to be positive and look towards the future.  I know that this is the path we are supposed to be on and I am so thankful that God has guided us in this direction.  There is a light at the end of this infertility tunnel and it is towards our Sweet Baby Diehl.

I want to wish a very Happy Mother's Day to the mothers, grandmothers, and soon to be mothers in our lives who are there for us through the highs and lows!!   WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Matt and I are humbled and blessed with the love that we have been shown these past few days.  I set a goal of 75 shirts thinking that it was a little high.  But, in three days that was blown out of the water and the fundraiser is still going.  With every shirt that is ordered it puts us one step closer to our sweet Diehl.  THANK YOU! You have filled our hearts this week!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Garage Sale

WE MADE $3,700 IN TWO DAYS!!!  We are absolutely blown away and yet exhausted. :-) Thank you to everyone that donated their items.  A very special thank you to Mom and Dad Diehl for hosting, collecting items for months, and working so hard to make this garage sale a success.  Also thank you to Mandy, Alex, and Aunt Karen for wheelin' and dealin' these last two days.  WOW!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Long Time No See

Wow,  I didn't realize how long it had been since I posted.  I have never been great at keeping up with a journal.  I am really sorry because we created this blog to invite our friends and family along in our journey and I have been radio silent.  I will try my best to post more often.

We are almost finished with our application.  I never imagined it would take this long but it has.  We still need to gather a couple more documents and make our profile book.  This book is a photo scrapbook that is presented to birth mothers so they can get a glimpse into our life.  I have started working on this book several times but it overwhelms me because this will be the first image she has of us and I want it to be perfect.

Luckily, when I get stressed I start looking at baby stuff.  :-)  A month or so ago Mom got the itch to go baby shopping and I was happy to oblige.  I had so much fun looking at everything and getting an idea of furniture and items we might want for our nursery.  I found the bedding that has become the inspiration for the nursery on etsy.  It's navy, white, grey, and mint green.  It's so stinkin' cute but so stinkin' expensive so I am going to try and recreate as much of it as I can.

Matt and I knew that choosing to adopt was not going to be cheap.  $37,000 is a huge chunk of money especially for two teachers.  The agency we have chosen to go with asks for the money when we are matched with a birth mother.  A worry for us is that we will not have the money when it comes time. We could be matched right after we finish the home study or it could be months. We have started saving and have received donations from people near and dear to our hearts.  Our hope is that we will have a chunk saved before our home study is complete then we can apply for grants. There are just so many unknowns when it comes to money and we know we need to lean on God and trust he is in control.

Speaking of raising money...The Diehl family is hosting a huge garage sale tomorrow and we spent all day sorting and preparing for it.  Hopefully, this will be a very successful fundraiser!  So many friends and family have donated items; Matt and I are so very thankful for the love we have received.  If you are able to stop by, we would love to see you and maybe you will find something you can't live without. :-)

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Nitty Gritty

THANK YOU, Thank You, thank you! The love and support we've felt the past week has been unbelievable and encouraging.

With sharing our new journey, comes lots of questions.  Here are some of the questions we've recently been asked.  Please don’t hesitate to ask more!

Domestic or International? Domestic—Our agency that we chose actually only does adoptions in Texas.  So one day we will adopt a Native Texan J

Age?  Infant

What all goes into the application?  Honestly, when I first looked at it I felt sick and stressed.  Now that we have gotten a huge chunk completed, it’s not so bad. Here are most of the items that go into the application, although I may have missed a few:
·        A copy of each from everyone in your household- driver’s license, social security card, passport, birth certificate, insurance card, paycheck stub
·        Vaccination records for animals
·        Most recent tax return
·        Floor plan of house with dimensions
·        Sketch of outdoor area
·        Physical examinations
·        Cpr/first aid certified
·        Autobiographies written by us (for some reason I am nervous about writing this)
·        LOTS of questions about our beliefs, our life as a couple and individually
·        A breakdown of our finances
·        References
·        Profile books-This is a photo album/scrapbook.  It's shown to birth parents so they can get a glimpse into our life and an idea of who we are.